Tuesday, 1 February 2022

New Horizons

After a long break from this project I have been thinking and have decided to scrap the 2.0 plans and procede with a new project.

Allow me to introduce the New Horizons Pavilion concept!

In the area where Mission Space once stood a new building has appeared resembling the old Horizons pavilion, the traditional signpost outside features the old logo and the 'New Horizons' name. 

You enter the building and are now in the EPCOT Futureport, a large futuristic departures board tells you Horizons 2 is now departing among other destinations. The lobby area features 4 rectangular outcroppings akin to the old queue showing holograms of the 4 destinations: Nova Cite, Seacastle, Mesa Verde and Brava Centauri. Audio is playing from these screens providing a summary of the destinations. At the far end of they foyer is a customer service desk with a cast member waiting to take your 'luggage' and provide you with a wrist band to collect once you reach your destination. You are then ushered through to the queue beyond the desk.

The queueline is a standard queue featuring projection mapping and interactive 'adverts' on the walls for entertainment. 

This brings you to ride number 1, looking back at tomorrow. This is the standard Horizons experience minus the omnimax and reduced sections in each destination as a look back at what people thought the future would be like in history with the old horizons scenes being the 80s. At the end, instead of the 'choose your ending' you 'dock' at the futureport in the city of tomorrow, Nova Cite.

After you exit your ride vehicle you go down a hallway to baggage reclaim where your bags have been bought by a simple conveyor to be given to you by the cast member manning the station. You can then entre the main futureport concourse.

Inside the futureport are screen windows showing the 'outside' city of Nova cite at night. In the centre is an information desk playing the same holograms from the epcot futureport and manned by cast members. Theres 3 departure gates going off to the left, right and straight ahead. there are standard airport style seating areas and other details around the ground floor area and a gift shop in one corner. in the opposite corner is a cylindrical elevator, by taking this to the 1st floor you can exit into a round room with a door leading to the 'flat of the future' a circular flat with screen windows around you can explore at your leisure. This features all the latest in home and entertainment technology and can be updated as necessary to keep up. By taking the lift up again to the second floor you can exit to the Futureport restaurant. A round restaurant sitting high above epcot with real windows showing views out to the park while you eat. 

The first departure gate leads into another queue at the end of it is a door which a group are ushered through and onto a fake monorail station. You board the monorail and, using screen windows and vibrations, it simulates taking you to the drydock for SeaCastle. You exit the monorail on the opposite side and procede to another queue. At the end of this queue you board a 'Seacastle transit vehicle' This ride system would be the same used for 20,000 leagues at Tokyo Disneysea, itll take you on a tour of the seas around seacastle with views into seacastle itself through windows and audio talking about the utilisation of the sea and its contents and seacastle itself. Afterwards you exit back to a second fake monorail station and return to Nova Cite. 

The second gate leads to a trackless dark ride takimg you to, and around the desert farming colony of Mesa Verde showing what life would be like living in the desert and how the arid land can be terraformed to allow farms to thrive. At the end you exit to a small section with a control station for the robot farmers with arcade style games that allow you to control the robots round a field to harvest crops. Theres also a restaurant serving meals using plant based replacements or lab grown meat as well as genetically modified fruits for different flavours. 

The 3rd gate takes you to a motion simulator which takes you to the space colony Brava Centauri. after disembarking the simulator you enter the station and are free to explore the rooms showcasing what living in space might be like. The atraction here is a 'zero gravity' experience where you are sent on a tethered space walk in a special harness, this would be a customisable robot arm style attraction.

For the final experience you enter the departure gate through the same way you entered Nova Cite initially, This gives you 3 options to return to EPCOT, the 'choose your ending'. Monorail through Mesa Verde (same as the earlier monorail) shuttle from Brava Centauri (motion simulator) or hydrolator from SeaCastle (an elevator style attraction similar to the monorails made of screens to show your travel from SeaCastle).

Obviously this would make for a very large pavilion, but I think this is a better way of handling Horizons than trying to cram it all into one building. I will expand on this with models soon showcasing these ideas.

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