Sunday, 22 May 2016

The script - Part one Entry and Looking Back at Tomorrow

Horizons 2 Script

In the lobby area of the ride building several announcements can be heard, they are as follows and cycle at random:

Announcer: Welcome to the Futureport We here at (insert sponsor name or Epcot) hope you enjoy your journey today, Don't forget to visit the check in desk to receive your Futurepass before boarding!

Announcer: Can Tom Fitzgerald please report to the front desk, your ticket to Sea Castle onboard Century 3 is waiting.

Annoncer: Horizons 2 now docking, Please check all your personal belongings before proceeding to the dry dock.

The queueline area of the ride features a single TV hexagon displaying clips of the 3 destinations with the following voiceovers:

Announcer: Sea Castle, the first floating city out in the pacific, invites you all for an undersea adventure, daily departures via Horizons 2 and Century 3.

Announcer: Mesa Verde, the deserts most advanced farming site, now hiring programmers and operators for harvesters. Bullet trains leave every half hour.

Announcer: Take a holiday to Brava Centauri, The newest space colony, or stay onboard to experience life on Mars. Shuttles depart daily.

Once on the 'drydock' the following announcements are heard:

Announcer: Please take children by the hand and look down as you step onto the belt, It moves at the same speed as the ride vehicles.

Announcer: Please remain seated and keep hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times, your door will automatically close.

As your vehicle leaves the drydock fluorescent tubing will light across the wall going by faster simulating time travel, at the same time the following is heard:

Announcer: Horizons 2 now departing, TimeJump initialized, Destination, The future.

Grandmother: That sounds like quite a trip.

Grandfather: My Wifes right about that! But half the fun is the journey there, so lets go back to where it all began, the 1800s

Looking back at tomorrow
The first scene is the Jules Verne scene which replicates the original.

Grandfather: Theres the grand old man himself, Jules Verne, floating round in his famous Moonshot.

Grandmother: He had the right idea, he was just a little ahead of his time.

Grandfather: Yeah, come on we'll show you what we mean.

This is followed by the 50s scene.

Grandmother: Ah the good old 50s.

Grandfather: A bit far out dont you think? but it looks like good fun!

Grandmother: well everyone has fun dreams of the future, I know I sure do.

Then the 60s and 70s.

Grandfather: The 60s and 70s truly had some fantastic views of the future.

Grandmother: Flying cars, robot servants and easy living, they were really dreaming big.

Grandfather: but with todays technology were getting closer to it, they had the right ideas, just maybe not the right style.

Grandmother: I dont know, I kinda like it, it has a certain charm.

Tomorrow in the 80s

This is where classic scenes from the ride will be presented, from each section of the ride.

Grandfather: Lets take a look at what our parents and grandparents thought the future would be like.

The vehicle enters nova cite.

Grandmother: Hey look, there's my Grandparents, it looks like Grandmas talking to my mother on that hologram device.

Grandfather: We sure had some good ideas for communications in the future.

Grandmother: Thats very true, I wonder what my grandfathers doing?

Grandfather: Looks like some kind of instrument, maybe a keyboard?

Grandmother: Cmon lets go catch some sun.

The vehicle moves into Mesa Verde farm scene.

Grandmother: and theres my Mother! Looks like shes operating the harvesters out there in the field.

Grandfather: Flying harversters, well I never, Things were still pretty far out even back then.

Grandmother: Sure, but its not an impossibility, were just not quite there yet.

The vehicle moves into the sub repair bay at seacastle.

Grandfather: Would you look at that, im an undersea welder!

Grandmother: Well you did always have a strange obsession with the sea.

Grandfather: Theres just as much to explore below as there is above, and theres a lot of raw materials down here, whats not to love?

Grandmother: Hey look on the screen over there, that's me!

Grandfather: It sure is! It seems theres only one more frontier to explore.

The vehicle then moves into the Brava Centauri scene

Grandmother: Would you look at that view out there!

Grandfather: Space sure is breathtaking, back then we sure had some bizarre ideas for space fashion.

Grandmother: You may think that, but to them it must have seemed practical.

Grandfather: You should see the breakthroughs we've had since!

Grandmother: Yes! its been quite a ride! from the expansion of the internet, to entertainment and virtual reality, all the way to sending a satelite to Pluto, we have made some truly amazing leaps.

The vehicle then enters the first oval room area.

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