Friday, 9 October 2015

Floor 2

The second floor (Futureworks) is hands on activities about the future and to a lesser extent time travel. I will go into detail about each section.

The house of the future:
A replica of the scene from the ride with a tablet on a pedestal allowing people to control the room e.g. open and close windows or cupboards etc.

The garden of the future:
Exploring how gardens could be utilised in the future for both leisure and for self sufficiency through small scale farming.

The eye to the future:
A large telescope looking out into Future World through the buildings 'eye'.

Your Future:
A place where visitors can make their own idea of the future through pre-sets and then leave a memory of what they would like to do in the future.

Time travel and the future, a history: Small models with descriptions and little video clips/photos of various time machines and futuristic worlds from science fiction movies. Ranging from Jules Verne's time machine through the TARDIS and DeLorian and looking at views of the future in space and on earth.

Design a time machine:
alows guests to design their own time machine using a similar system to test tracks sim car designer and a few preset options.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Horizons one and Horizons two

Heres an aerial shot of the original next to the new one, all credit for the aerial view to

Exterior 2

I have now added in the bushes and done some other adjustments.

I have also attempted to get an idea of size and location by sticking it onto an aerial view of the park in my ideal location for the ride. It would have to be quite a bit larger than the original to facilitate the whole ride on a single floor. but looking at the surrounding area, it looks to me like that wouldnt be too much of an issue.

The Exterior

After a big hiatus I have completed some work on the rides exterior. The planters, paths and sign are all now in place, there is still some work to do on the building (adding doors and such) but I hav not worked out where the maintenance doors will be yet so this is still a work in progress.

As you can see, I have arranged the planters in the shape of the Horizons logo. I thought this might look tacky initially but having tried a couple of different approaches I actually like it like this. The sign sits in front of the large sphere but does not obscure it. That was one of my key focuses, the original ride building had the tall trees obscuring it. I plan to put the trees somewhere to the side so as to have the building visible as guests come up to it down the central partition. This will also serve a practical purpose for the telescope in the large 'eye'. The paths lead right round the building much like the original for maintenance and fire exits. As the ride uses the original system, fire exits are through the back of the vehicles. I plan to add more to this as I go along.
The sign is now complete, made to replicate the original almost exactly, the base it sits on is very simplistic but I think that it doesn't need to be complex, as long as it can hold the sign and look good doing so, which I feel it does. The working title is present of Horizons: Looking Back Into The Future, this is of course subject to change if I think of a better title (maybe just Horizons would suffice or New Horizons). There is still a lot more work to do, but I think its coming along quite nicely.